Course Description

Grading Rubric

Course Staff

Course Logistics

Mental Health and Wellness

We are aware that this course is hard and could make you feel unwell. Please remember that you are not alone. You can always reach out to us if anything happens. This also includes a scenario, for example, you cannot submit an assignment on time. We can always extend the deadline if necessary. Remember, come and talk with us!

Academic Integrity (Adapted from CMU)

We will not tolerate any cheating or plagiarism or unauthorized assistance cases. At least "F" will be given to the one committing one of the above cases.

Cheating occurs when a student avails her/himself of an unfair or disallowed advantage which includes but is not limited to:
  1. Theft of or unauthorized access to an exam, answer key or other graded work from previous course offerings.
  2. Use of an alternate, stand-in or proxy during an examination.
  3. Copying from the examination or work of another person or source.
  4. Submission or use of falsified data.
  5. Using false statements to obtain additional time or other accommodation.
  6. Falsification of academic credentials.

Plagiarism is defined as the use of work or concepts contributed by other individuals without proper attribution or citation. Unique ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged in academic work to be graded. Examples of sources expected to be referenced include but are not limited to:
  1. Text, either written or spoken, quoted directly or paraphrased.
  2. Graphic elements.
  3. Passages of music, existing either as sound or as notation.
  4. Mathematical proofs.
  5. Scientific data.
  6. Concepts or material derived from the work, published or unpublished, of another person.

Unauthorized assistance refers to the use of sources of support that have not been specifically authorized in this policy statement or by the course instructor(s) in the completion of academic work to be graded. Such sources of support may include but are not limited to advice or help provided by another individual, published or unpublished written sources, and electronic sources. Examples of unauthorized assistance include but are not limited to:
  1. Collaboration on any assignment beyond the standards authorized by this policy statement and the course instructor(s).
  2. Submission of work completed or edited in whole or in part by another person.
  3. Supplying or communicating unauthorized information or materials, including graded work and answer keys from previous course offerings, in any way to another student.
  4. Use of unauthorized information or materials, including graded work and answer keys from previous course offerings.
  5. Use of unauthorized devices.
  6. Submission for credit of previously completed graded work in a second course without first obtaining permission from the instructor(s) of the second course. In the case of concurrent courses, permission to submit the same work for credit in two courses must be obtained from the instructors of both courses.